Queen Rearing

  • 3 frame mating nuc 3 frame mating nuc front view

    DRB 3 frame Mating Nuc

    Our DRB 3 frame mating nuc, holds 3 deep frames (frames are not included). It's made of solid ponderosa pine boards (not plywood!) and comes fully assembled & ready to paint, stain, or dip. Larger 3 frame size makes it easier to reach into the bottom...

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  • one-handed queen marking tube

    One-handed Queen Marking Tube

    Being able to catch the queen with just one hand makes it easier to mark her. Scroll the top back to catch her and carefully close it, then slide the bottom up to hold her in place for marking. This Queen Catcher has a safety stop built in to keep...

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  • brightly colored, queen rearing calendar

    Queen Rearing Calendar

    This handy cardstock calendar helps the beekeeper easily determine the timing of various stages of queen cell development. A queen breeder can select grafting day and then see at a glance when cells need to be removed from the finisher and moved into...

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  • Queen marking tube Queen marking tube, extended

    Queen Marking Tube

    This plastic tube and plunger make it easy to mark your queens. Simple trap the queen in the tube, use the plunger to hold her in place, and mark her through the plastic mesh at the bottom of the tube. 

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  • Queen marking cage, used to cage the queen for marking.

    Queen Marking Cage

    Our cage allows you to trap the queen on the comb for marking. Gently pin the queen down to the comb and mark her with our marking pen (630). Allow her to dry for a few seconds before releasing.  TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK. 

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  • queen marking pens in blue, white, green, red, yellow queen marking pen

    Queen Marking Pen

    Safe and effective way to mark your queen for quick identification (brand may vary). All choices are available, but if following international code use according to this chart:  For years ending with: 0 or 5 use Blue 1 or 6 use White 2 or 7 use...

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